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Thursday, 14 April 2011

Hating boxes and burnt out

The move is basically complete. In the basement suite and I'm pretty happy - except for I keep thinking "I am sure THIS was in that box" and not finding what I am looking for. I truly do not like moving! You feel like a displaced refugee for days and days and everything is new and you can't organise or put anything away cause technically you haven't given it a place to be AWAY yet. Who thought this was going to be a fun adventure? P has been helpful - in the sense he reminds me I'm not actually losing my mind I am just disorganised and eventually all the boxes will be empty and in the recycling bin at the mall. Let's hope. I can't take much more mess and chaos.

I am also extremely burnt out. I am not sure if its from the stress of moving or the fact that the move represents some changes in my life, but I honestly just feel like having a good old fashion hard cry. I know that it doesn't resolve anything but sometimes it seems to almost make you feel somewhat better. Or maybe it just exhausts you to the point that you sleep really good and get over whatever "issues" you had. Work is so busy lately and I have so many clients that I think honestly believe I have nothing to do but sit and wait for them to call me with some problem. *sigh* 

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