[Andrew Davidson was born in Pinawa, Manitoba, and graduated in 1995 from the University of British Columbia with a B.A. in English literature. He has worked as a teacher in Japan, where he has lived on and off, and as a writer of English lessons for Japanese Web sites. The Gargoyle, the product of seven years' worth of research and composition, is his first book. Davidson lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba. http://knopfdoubleday.com/thegargoyle/] - See link for more information about the book
I just finished this book and I am blown away.
Ok, truth be told, I only got it out at the library because when we were kids my baby sister would wrap a towel around her neck and proceed to leap from one piece of furniture to another proclaiming "WE ARE GARGOYLES" (Thank you Disney for that animated program that once a week brought more material for my family's entertainment)
So I took the book home, settled on my couch and opened the pages and was IMMEDIATELY mesmeorised by the imagery conveyed by Mr. Davidson's words. I could hardly put the book down, it completely sucked me in. I felt some sort of connection with this book - perhaps the tortured artist in me or just the fact that I sometimes think I've lived a hundred lifetimes...
Word to some of you readers out there, some pretty graphic language and imagery. (my baby sister won't be reading it anytime soon, she no longer wears bath towels, but she is still my baby sister and I try to protect her from some things even if she is growing up way too fast)
"You are mine, I am yours; you may be sure of this. You've been locked inside my heart, the key has been thrown away; within it, you must always stay."
Chapter XXXIII - The Gargoyle

Hey, we're on the same wavelength! I just posted on my blog about a couple of my fav books. This one looks interesting.