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Saturday, 30 July 2011

New Bedspread!

I finally chose a new bedspread! Its been a struggle cause I'm kind of picky (stop snickering)

I'm so excited about it! This picture is kind of not great - its a bit darker in real life - I just had the windows open so it seems a lot brighter. 

Slowly my house is getting "grown up" ! yay!! 

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Goodbye Wisdom...Tooth

I have been in zombie mode for about a week ... but I am feeling better so I will tell you my story!

Just about a year ago I was leaving a nightclub (shhhh mom I know I know) with some friends. They were walking ahead of me and out of NOWHERE I was attacked by a random woman I had never seen before in my life. She hit me square in the face and knocked me into the brick wall of the building. OUCH!! I wish I could say that I fought her off but I was literally so shocked I just screamed at the top of my lungs and got the attention of a bunch of people and they came to rescue me. The police were there in record time unfortunately the woman took off in an unregistered car with Manitoba licence plates - would have pressed charges if there was any way to.

Ok - so my wisdom tooth was chipped due to that night and has been slowly getting worse and worse. I thought I was lucky like my dad. My wisdom teeth grew in when I was about 19 just like regular molars and there were no complications so I thought I was gonna get to keep them - NOPE 

Last week I was in so much pain from another part of my tooth breaking off that I finally went to the dentist (those of you who know me well are most likely shocked)

Tuesday  - I had the tooth pulled and it was pretty icky. P took me and drove me home and I really don't remember a lot of it (I was put under due to a lot of anxiety that I have when it comes to needles/blood/pain/teeth)  The next 3 days were probably some of the worst I have had. Was really sick, some from the drugs but mostly I was SO grossed out by the feeling in my mouth and the stitches. Even now that they are starting to dissolve and I am basically feeling great - it REALLY skeeves me out to feel them .... ew ew ew happy thoughts. 

So I am doing SO MUCH better today. I am still fighting a headache on the side of my head where the tooth was removed but I have done some research and that sounds about normal and probably will bother me for another week or so. 

Can't wait to chew normally-ish again. P made sure to get me McDonald's fries once I was able to eat them and he even told me I was pretty while my lips were swollen and I had THE biggest blackest bags under my eyes. That guy must love me lots. I'm super lucky he took such good care of me!! 

Monday, 18 July 2011

Calgary Stampede!!


We got to go to the Calgary Stampede on July 8th. I was SO excited. I took P & B (neither of them had ever been!!) 

So they had to attend a BBQ for their job so I drove myself up (which was great as I rocked out to Nickelback the ENTIRE drive up!)  Then we met up in Okotoks and drove into the city. Neither of the boys had ever been on the C-train before. I think they were nervous but didn't want to tell me they didn't trust me to get them there safe. haha! 

BUT!!! We made it safe!! Got to the Stampede grounds and met up with a friend of mine and we went around playing all the games that we thought we could win. At one booth I paid the guy $5 to guess my age. He had to be within 2 years... and he guessed that I was 22!! HAHA So I got a green wormy guy!! YAY ME! 
Our winnings!! We cleaned up!

We went to the Coca Cola stage for the free concerts! First up was State of Shock and they were AWESOME. I kind of forgot about them for a couple years and I'm not really sure why. But they did really good - even tho it was raining. 
State of Shock - it was raining and SO cold but really fun!
The next band up was My Darkest Days and they were REALLY great. The sun even came out for a bit during their set which was kind of nice. Still was freaking cold (I was in a short skirt)  
My Darkest Days - after we got sound back!
Had a lot of fun! (I always do in Calgary, its one of my favourite places in the world) And I think the boys even had some fun too! 
<3 him 

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Thunder Storms

One of the things I really love about summer are the thunder and lightening. I'm not sure if its because it cools everything off or because I have so many memories of "hiding" from the storm with my mom under blanket forts when I was a little girl. But they are truly one of the best things about summer! Tonight it was so much lightening that I just HAD to video it. Sorry for the crappy quality - the only video cameras I own are my blackberry or my webcam on my laptop! LOL ! But I think you can see it pretty good. 

Maybe I should call and make sure that my mom has a blanket fort built up. ;-) 

Sunday, 3 July 2011


What a wonderful Canada Day this year!! Started off with a run to Tim Hortons (how else can you start a celebration of our country?) Then me, P & B went to Henderson Lake for the celebration down there. I was actually pleasantly surprised of all the things they had available this year! Facepainting and shaved ice, pitas and cotton candy, live bands and bubble guns (P wanted one but we never did end up going to that booth) 

I just embrace my awkwardness... no point in fighting it
RED shirt for Canada Day! Soon to have red shoulders

he's so yummy.... *sigh*

really into the bagpipes   - mentioned he wanted to start a mosh pit

so happy he's home!!! 

We were there for a while and then I needed a break from the sun (as wonderfully nice as it was out, I still don't do all that well in the hot sunshine, usually need a bit of a shade break) So we all went for dinner at Boston Pizza and then went to the movie Tron in 3D - btw, pulls off the red cape SO much better than Superman! 

The fireworks at Henderson were AWESOME!! I really enjoyed them this year!! GREAT JOB LETHBRIDGE