I had the greatest weekend!!
Saturday morning got up pretty early and drove down to Cardston to meet up with the family (Thank you to the Boyson's who continually let us invade their front yard every year!)
The parade this year was so much fun - Could be I also had a nephew to use as cover for getting all my favourite candy!!! YAAAY! He was so cute. He would have his hands completely full of candy and would look up at me with this adorable face completely overwhelmed with what to do with it all. Thankfully his mommy kept it all in her lap so we could go get more!
Ran into a lot of people I haven't seen for a while - always a fun thing to see how much everyone has "grown up" teehee
Went to the Ranch Rodeo at the agridome - it was AWESOME!! I definitely should have remembered sunscreen (oops) but it was a riot sitting out in the beautiful sunshine watching some amazing cowboys!!
Had Pizza's and Cream for dinner (Gunsmoke btw) P had never been there before and I was pleased to say he agreed it was GREAT food! <3
Then back to the agridome for more rodeo. My dad thinks he's gonna get P to be a cowboy now. Hilarious. P's considering cowboy boots... and maybe a hat. Baby steps sweetheart.
All in all it was a great day and I must say I had an absolute riot hanging out with my family!! Can't wait till next year!!