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Friday, 23 September 2011

New House!

We did it!! 

LOVING the new house. P got home the night before moving day so we stayed up kinda late getting organised then woke up early to do the walk thru and get our keys - then it was MOVING TIME. We were lucky to borrow P's dad's truck and B came and helped us out A TON! I don't know how we had so much stuff crammed into such a tiny little space. But now we are loving life.

I have a normal sized kitchen and I am so excited to COOK in it! Makes me super happy to have counter top space and enough storage to keep on hand that I don't feel like I am running to the grocery store every single day to get something to make dinner with! 

Also have a new kitchen table and chairs that P put together (with a fair amount of curse words) all by himself with me drinking a Pepsi and supervising and rolling my eyes at him. Kinda feeling grown up lately ... I'm sure that will pass soon. 

I'm officially home!! 

Most of my stuff ... nothing lost or broken! 

The really large living room with HUGE windows - I <3 Light!

The other side of the living room - and more stuff

Eek!! Sooooo excited to use this kitchen!

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