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Monday, 14 March 2011

Up for a Challenge

  My roommate and I watched the adorable movie "Julie and Julia" a few weeks ago and it really inspired me - first of all, that I need to learn to cook a few more recipes!! And second of all, life needs goals and challenges to keep it interesting and moving forward. 

So I have chosen my goal.       

Unlike Julie in the movie, I do not have the motivation to cook over 500 recipes in one year. P would probably enjoy that idea, however, with him spending weeks at a time away for work, this is not the most appealing challenge for myself at this time. (Sorry to disappoint, I am sure you were all excited for great kitchen disasters caught on film) 

Instead I thought about my hobbies and what makes me happiest. When I have had a rough day at work or a lousy afternoon trying to find the perfect pair of strapped black shoes, or I am sitting alone because P has gone off to "china" to work, I always reach for a book. It is how I escape from my worries and troubles, I find myself laughing with the comedians, crying over the heartbreaks and daydreaming about the far away destinations.

Of course I turned to Google - which brought me to this website:,29569,1951793,00.html

The top 100 books written from 1923 to the present.

 I have read through the titles on this list and I believe that it is very well compiled. That may be due to the fact that there are several titles I read on my own or was asked to read in High School (thank you Mr Heninger) and I actually do own a handful of them (Or did before persuading a friend to borrow a great read and then never getting it back) 

 This shall be my challenge. 

Now I won't be as strict on my timeline because frankly, some of these titles I have never heard of and am not sure I will be able to find. But I have my library card in hand and picked up my first title today.

With that, I start the clock and pick up my first book

Wish me luck!
Love D

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