Mr Boss Man came back from Utah today and brought a giant bag of Salt Water candy - ooooohhhhh Yes, I love my job. I will have to double up my work out due to today however - totally worth it!! The green ones were for sure my favourite today.
The sun was shining today - but the wind was blowing so it was still kind of chilly out. But at least it was sunshine!!!
So - plans for St Patrick's - chill out at home and play video games and eat junk food (none of which are green I think)
I am currently sitting on the couch - B is in the computer chair playing another one of our friends on NHL hockey (xbox, you're shocked I know) and P is in the kitchen making me popcorn. He takes good care of me! <3
I have a day off work tomorrow and I am SO SO SO EXCITED!!! I fully intend to SLEEP in, go work out eventually, have some lunch and then spend the afternoon reading on the couch. You are all jealous of my glamorous life I am sure. Didn't end up reading last night - fell asleep too quickly. So I am only on page 90 of "Augie" - its really going slowly - tomorrow I plan on making a lot of progress on it however.
So going to eat popcorn and wait for the hockey games to be over and then I might be forced to take over the xbox and play some Fairy Tale Fights (not recommended for children - very twisted)
Love D 
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