Friday!! And a day off from work too!! Very excited I must say!! I slept in (ok not really because some jerk called my phone at 9 am - no idea who didn't answer) It was WONDERFUL though because I simply rolled over and snoozed for a couple more minutes. But then it was time to get my butt outta bed and get in gear.
For about 20 days now I have been doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred work out DVD. I started it because my sister and mom did it a while ago and they both saw some AMAZING results. I haven't been hitting the gym very much recently (I always feel like its such a hassle to pack up my bag and actually GO to the gym - maybe a lame excuse but that's what it is) So I thought maybe I would give it a try.
Ok so, today I was back to level 2 (went down to level 1 due to the whole cold that nearly KILLED me if you recall) So - BACK TO LEVEL 2
Its so great to be back working my body HARD after that stupid cold took me out for about 4 days. I honestly didn't realise how much it affected me. But, today was great and I had a lot of energy afterwards and was in a good mood!!! Which just added to the wonderful-ness of a day off work!
Small issue = my work out top ripped - Giant plus = SHOPPING TRIP!!!
I went to the One Tooth store here in town and they have GREAT stuff. I was really impressed. It was the firs time I had been in there. I normally buy just cheap stuff from Wal Mart or whatever, but the quality is so much better when you buy something from a store that actually specialises in the product! I put on a new top and was amazed that the straps didn't dig in or I felt like I was wrapped too tight! Made a fantastic purchase of a top in HOT PINK and honestly I'm giggly excited about putting it on tomorrow morning to work out!
PINK!!!!! P and I did some other running around today. He was looking for certain video game and I love just going into stores and looking at what there is to see. I usually don't have money to spend (I'm kind of a cheapskate) but we found the game and it was WAY more money than he had seen it at a different store. Of course, me being the typical penny pincher informed my wonderful boyfriend that they price matched. Guess who walked out of the store with a game listed at $64.99 for only $20 ?? US!! We make an excellent team if I do say so myself! And that meant we both had an excellent shopping day! (I even got a laptop bag for my netbook FINALLY after searching for the perfect one for a few weeks - Its super cute and PERFECT size - YAY) |
We also checked out some cute furniture and had a "make believe" day of what our house might potentially look like someday. For this week anyways. We can change our mind as many times as we want when we play make believe. I did however inform P of my girlish dream to have a canopy bed and he laughed and said whatever I want. True love ? I think so!
So I am off to get ready for sleep (NOT in a canopy bed.. yet) I actually fell asleep on the futon for about 15 minutes before dinner today. I must have REALLY worked out hard.
Love D
Oooh, I admire your workout ethic! You've inspired me to get my own butt in gear.