I have had one of the most lazy days! It has been SO fantastic. I slept in (and this time my phone was turned off so nobody was able to call and wake me up!) And it felt SO great. I am afraid I was running of fumes the past few days and finally had a chance to just regenerate a bit.
No work out today - Sunday is my "recovery" day and boy did my muscles need it. I am having a shoulder problem that is flaring up from and old previous injury, and that is causing me some frustration. Today its not feeling as tight so maybe tomorrow I can push thru again.
Last night P and I went for dinner with my parents. It was really nice to have a "double date" with them as we don't get to see them terribly often and never when its just the 4 of us. The conversation was centered mostly around the NCAA tournament (BYU beating Gonzaga!!) And the fact that Jon Bon Jovi and my mother are the same age, as well as my father thinking that the crab cakes were actually tuna.
It was pretty funny actually. P and I both ordered the same thing - terriyaki bowl with shrimp. And of course we got our Sweet Potato Fries to start mmmm
oooh sooo goood |
They came with this spicy sauce that I had never had before and it was delicious. I like them more than normal french fries, they are just so tasty!!
After dinner P and I came home and there was a GIANT SPIDER in the house. We were both a bit paralyzed with fear, but my hero KILLED the little creature saving me from the pain and suffering of knowing it was somewhere in the house. One of the gross things about summer - SPIDERS! They completely freak me right out. Its a good thing P can kill them for me (He actually killed another one in the bathroom just a few minutes again! SAVED AGAIN!)
Hate them!!! |
"The Adventures of Augie March" is not going well, I just CANNOT get that into it. It's just not sucking me in that well. So today I set it down and picked up "All The King's Men" by Robert Penn Warren. I just needed a bit of a break!! Its already making me happier. I will still finish "Augie" I just really needed a bit of a break from the ongoing story that is not going anywhere as far as I can tell.
The end of another weekend. Back into the grind tomorrow morning... blech, I have to set the alarm clock.
Off to dreamland!! <3
Love D
shirleyjsmith.com |